The Whole Heart Challenge – Chapter 7

Today we are discussing chapter 7 of my book, Giving God Your Whole Heart. Trusting God can be a blatant issue for some. Yet it can be more of a subtle issue for others, and we might not realize that we have a problem in this area. I think there are two key points that can help us to trust God more. Often times our lack of trust comes from the pain we have dealt with in life. So we have to remember that the enemy is the one who brought suffering into this world, not God. And another big key to trusting God is that we have to fully accept and embrace His love. God is love and He loves us beyond measure. When we realize just how much our Father loves us, trusting Him comes easier. If we keep our focus on Jesus, this helps us grow our trust in the Lord. God loved us THAT much to send His Son to die for us. Even after man fell and sinned in the Garden of Eden, God made a way to save us. There is no greater love than that. So how can we not trust Him when we see how much He loves us?

Share in the comments: Was there something from this chapter of the book that resonated with you?

Don’t forget to listen to today’s song!! This song quickly became a favorite for me. I need tissues when I listen to this song. My favorite line: “You’re the one who runs in my direction when the whole world walks away.” I hope you love this song as much as I do! The God Who Stays by Matthew West

(If you want to join the Whole Heart Challenge, then I invite you to grab a copy of my book, Giving God Your Whole Heart. We will meet up here each Tuesday and Saturday throughout the month to discuss each of the nine chapters in the book.)


10 Comments on “The Whole Heart Challenge – Chapter 7

  1. Trusting God completely- for me surrender of complete control is difficult. God has been teaching me over time to let go and let Him have the steering wheel. But I must say that it is so hard for me.
    It is a very apt chapter to read especially at this time with all that is going on.
    I love the breakdown of the word TRUST you wrote – it was simple and so powerful.
    Blessing Bridget, stay safe. Hope you and your hubby are keeping well. How are things in your place??

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am so glad to hear that this chapter spoke to you. You are not alone. Full surrender is difficult for most of us. Often times there are certain things that we just can’t seem to let go of. Chapter 8 also talks about control. So hopefully that will add additional insight. I am having been learning a lot about trust this year. And you are right, with what we are going through right now, trust is very much needed… Things here have been interesting to say the least. I am fortunate that my company is letting me work from home. The shelves in the grocery stores are pretty bare. It’s hard to find things like water and bread. Many churches are holding services online only. All restaurants are required to only have drive thru or take out. But overall, my family and I have been safe and God has provided for all that we need. I am thankful for that. How are things by you?

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  2. Trust has been tough for me, more because I don’t trust myself to listen or obey, especially if it’s difficult. However, I’m learning. I love the song and I love your TRUST list.

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    • Hmmm, you have given me something to think about. I never looked at it from that perspective before. (Trust being an issue because we don’t trust ourselves.) But it makes sense. No matter what the root cause is, I do believe if we prayerfully seek God’s guidance, He will help us overcome. I love this song too! And thank you!

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  3. Trust isn’t the easiest thing for me and even though I like to think I fully trust God I know I don’t. I say to myself that I’ll give it to God when things get tough, but I still find myself trying to fix it myself.

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    • Very good point! I think this is a common issue for many of us. I remember hearing Charles Stanley talk about his mother. When he was a child, they had very little money. Each week they would have to pay rent (if I remember right). His mother would say each week that God would have to provide what they needed. And I also remember Charles Stanley mentioning how his mother would give food to other needy boys in the neighborhood, even though they had very little to give. Now that is trust! We can all get to that level of trust. But it takes a conscious effort on our part.

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  4. Pingback: The Whole Heart Challenge Recap – Bridget A. Thomas

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