The Whole Heart Challenge – Chapter 8

Today we are discussing chapter 8 of my book, Giving God Your Whole Heart. This chapter is about allowing God to lead in our lives. I believe what we discussed in chapter 7, trusting God, is an important step towards allowing God to have control in our lives. In our society, it can be especially difficult to allow God to have control. Many of us are used to handling life in our own strength. We might feel as though if we can’t control things, then everything will go wrong.

Once we learn to embrace God’s love and to trust Him, we realize that His plans are always better than our plans. Things might not always go the way we want. But we can rest assured that whatever God brings into our lives is always for the best. When we hand God the steering wheel, He will never lead us down the wrong road. We will always arrive at the best destination. God loves you so much and will always have your best interest in mind.

Share in the comments: Was there something from this chapter of the book that resonated with you?

Don’t forget to listen to today’s song. I really love this song! Keeper of My Heart by Avalon

(If you want to join the Whole Heart Challenge, then I invite you to grab a copy of my book, Giving God Your Whole Heart. We will meet up here each Tuesday and Saturday throughout the month to discuss each of the nine chapters in the book.)


10 Comments on “The Whole Heart Challenge – Chapter 8

  1. God to take the lead in our lives- this takes time to learn and I think we get better at allowing God complete control as we grow in our relationship with Him.
    I tend to jump ahead like you too but God has surely been teaching me to not do that.
    I so agree that dying to self is important in this process.
    I think especially at this time when there are people are anxious about what lies ahead- I hope they rest in the sovereignty of the Lord and let Him lead us through and out of this valley.

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    • I agree. We can grow in this area as our relationship with the Lord strengthens. And yes, clinging to God during this time is vital. I don’t know how anyone can walk through this without Him. But I pray that during this time, more people will come to know Him and rely on Him.

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  2. It is so hard for me to give everything over to God. We recently found out that my brother was using meth. My mom said she “gave it to God”. I love that she can do that, but my fist thought was “don’t you care?” Then I realized she cares so much that she’s able to hand my brother and the problem over to God. It’s hard for me to not be able to control certain things. But I want to trust him fully with everything!

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    • And I am sorry I didn’t see this comment come through either! Oh wow, I am so sorry about your brother. I will be sure to pray for him. I can understand your being torn on this – wanting to do something vs letting go of control. But prayer is one of the best things we can do for our loved ones. It does sometimes feel like we are not proactively doing something. But Prayer is so powerful and knowing God is in control can help free us from so much weight that we often pile onto our own shoulders. I pray for you and your family. I know this is difficult for all of you. But God is by your side. ❤️

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  3. Pingback: The Whole Heart Challenge Recap – Bridget A. Thomas

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