Prayer ~ Part 9

Today I want to take a few moments to pray together. Feel free to use this prayer as a prompt at any time.

Dear Heavenly Father, we humbly come before you today in prayer to seek Your grace and guidance.

Lord, first we want to confess anything hidden in our hearts that needs to go. Please show us anything that we might not be aware of that is lurking below the surface. Cleanse us from these hidden faults. We are sorry we grieve You at times when we hold onto our old ways. We hand it all over to You now. Please help us to overcome our weaknesses and move forward in Your grace. Thank You, God. [Take a moment to think about any sins or mistakes that you would like to confess now.]

Lord, we also want to ask You today to help us with the different things that have been weighing on our hearts and minds. Please give us the strength and wisdom we need to move forward in faith. We have spent a lot of time worrying about these things. But we know You don’t like for us to worry. So we are handing our concerns over to You. What freedom it brings to know that You are handling all of our needs. Thank You, God. [Take a moment to think about any concerns you have, and seek God’s help now.]

Lord, we also have different loved ones who are on our hearts today. Please help them with the struggles they are facing. Please help them to draw closer to You. Please help them to see that You are their ultimate source. We ask that You please guide them on their path and provide for their needs. Sometimes we feel helpless when we see our loved ones dealing with various concerns. But we know how powerful prayer is, and we place them in Your hands. Thank You, God. [Think about different family members and friends who need prayer and lift them up to God.]

Lord, we thank You for all that You do for us each and every day. You continually shower us with blessings and favor. We are so grateful for all that we have. We thank You that we can come to You in prayer at any time. What a gift that is! We are so thankful for Jesus and the price He paid for us. And Lord, we are also thankful for the Holy Spirit who guides us daily. We have so much to be thankful for. [Add anything else that you would like to give thanks for.]

Lord, we praise You and all that You are. You are greater than anything and everything. Our minds have trouble grasping just how marvelous You are, God. Words cannot even describe Your glory. We take a look around at this world and this universe and we are in awe of how You set everything in place. Yet You also see each one of us and know us by name. What a gift it is to know that You love us and care for us. Thank You, God. You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. We give You all the honor and all the glory. [Feel free to add your own praises.]

It is in Jesus’ precious name we pray. Amen.

[Also, take a few minutes to sit quietly with God. Listen for anything He might want to reveal to you.]

Photo by Ali Mu00fcftu00fcou011fullaru0131 on

© 2021 Bridget A. Thomas

11 Comments on “Prayer ~ Part 9

  1. A beautiful prayer Bridget.
    Reading the part about confessing our sins- especially the ones hidden in our hearts.
    Just last week we had our pastor talk about the importance of confessing not just our actions but that which is within our heart to cause us to do those actions. When we do that it gets us into the right posture before God. He renews us from within.

    Another thing that I wanted to share with you about what I am learning with prayer is to go to God in prayer and tell how I am feeling. If I am sad, frustrated, confused or scared. For me whatever js causing me to feel those things I would ask for God in that situation but I would not necessarily place my emotion at His feet. It has been such a change for me. It helps me not be overwhelmed but to invite God into those churning emotions and He will quiet the storm within.

    Thank you my friend for this prayer today. Have been enjoying this series 💙🌺

    Liked by 1 person

    • Your pastor made a good point. And that made me realize that we might need to dig a little deeper, below the surface, to get to the root cause. We may not always realize what is causing us to do those actions. But if we seek God in prayer, He will help reveal those things to us.
      I love what you said about God renewing us from within. One Bible verse I have been reciting recently is Romans 12:2.
      And thank you for sharing that about bringing our feelings to God. That is something I will need to start doing too. I can definitely see what you mean. We might be worried about something and we talk to God about it, but we hang onto our worries. I can see how if we also place the feelings of worry in His hand, He will also help us to feel peace. I love that!
      Side note, I think for some reason my comment on your last post didn’t go through. I am not sure what I did wrong. So my apologies! But I did try to send a comment. I don’t want you to think I forgot about you.
      Thank you for always being here and sharing your thoughts. I always loving hearing your insight. Blessings, dear friend! 🌻💜🌼

      Liked by 1 person

      • Your comment came through and I remember responding to it, but when I checked just now, for some reason I don’t know where my response disappeared. When these things happens, they are honestly beyond my understanding of tech.
        And even for some reason you were not able to respond, it does not matter. Although I do love hearing from you.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Absolutely beautiful!!! I needed this today! So refreshing and encouraging…I loved praying through each paragraph and then reflecting on my own personal prayers before moving on to the next paragraph. It’s so easy for me to become distracted during prayer so staying focused and deeply connected is a huge blessing!! Thankful to commune with you, praise to Him!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree! It can be so easy for me to get distracted during prayer time too. My thoughts easily wander away to other things. That is one reason why I created this post, it will help us to focus. I am so glad you found it to be helpful! ❤️✝️🙏


  3. I was scrolling my phone this morning, still lying in bed, thinking I should be praying about my day. And then I read your post. This was perfect. Thank you for the extra words and specifics and the whole series!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am so glad it was helpful. Personally there are times when I need an extra nudge in my prayers. I might be feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or discouraged, and the words don’t flow so easily. So I hope this helps anyone else who needs a little extra encouragement. ❤️

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  4. Pingback: Prayer 2021 Recap – Bridget A. Thomas

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