Tune Your Heart

Do you ever feel like God is nudging you? I am convinced that God nudges each of us often. Yet if we allow life to keep us too distracted, we might miss many of the things God tries to tell us.

Some of God’s nudges might be gentle. Other times, His nudges might need to be a little more forceful, if He really needs to get our attention.

God can nudge us for many different reasons. He might want to stir our hearts, to pull us closer to Himself, or to let us know He loves us. He might want to save us from destruction, to pull us back to the right path, or to help us with something we are facing.

God nudges might come in different forms as well. He might try to speak to us through the Holy Spirit or through His Word. He might even send a challenge our way that forces us to run to Him. I believe one of the ways God attempts to nudge us is by repeating something. And that is something He did with me recently.

One evening I pulled out The Battle Plan for Prayer cards. These are cards with prayers written on them, which are a supplement to The Battle Plan for Prayer book by the Kendrick Brothers. (Sadly, these cards are hard to find now. So a dear friend was kind enough to pass hers along to me.) On one particular evening I read the prayer from Day 25 (which can also be found in the book in chapter 21). Part of the prayer had these words: “… Tune my heart to the desires of your heart …”

A short while later I was reading in a book entitled Cultivate by Lara Casey. In this book, she mentioned an old hymn called “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.” Some of the words within the hymn which she mentioned were: “… Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise…”

I read the above two mentioned items within an hour of each other. Needless to say, these words really jumped out at me. The words “tune my heart” are not words we hear often. Then I read those words twice in a row, from two different sources.

But it didn’t end there! God really wanted to make sure I was paying attention. The following morning, on my way to work, I was listening to a local Christian radio station. In the mornings they have a short devotional time. On this particular day, the DJ read from Psalm 1 and went on to remind the listeners to: “…Tune your heart to the Word of God…”

This third incident happened within 12 hours of the first two incidents. When things like this happen, I know God is trying to get my attention. So I began to think about the meaning behind the words.

Although the word tune can be used as a noun, in these three examples it is used as a verb. When using it as a verb, two different meanings come to mind. We tune an instrument when the keys or strings do not have the correct pitch. And we can also adjust the frequency when we tune into a certain radio station or television channel.

So when we tune the heart, we could either be changing the pitch, if the heart’s tone is off. Perhaps the heart is playing bitterness, discord, anger, or negativity. If we tune the heart, we can help it play sounds of love, peace, and faith. Or when we tune the heart, we can change the “station.” We might need to turn off the world’s station, our friends’ station, or even our own station. We can adjust the dial and tune into the Lord’s “station.”

Tuning my heart is something I want to hang onto every day. I want to make sure my heart is giving off the correct tone – tones of hope, joy, and contentment. And I also want to make sure I am tuning my heart daily into God and into the promptings of the Holy Spirit. If we take the time to seek how we might tune our hearts, we could see a beautiful shift in our lives.

Dear Heavenly Father, please reveal to us how we might tune our hearts today. Please show us if we have a tone that is off and needs to be tuned. Help us to see if there are any harmful emotions that need to be replaced with Your help. Also, please reveal to us if we need to change the stations we are listening to. Help us to tune into You, every day. Help us to listen to the truth in Your Holy Word, as our minds are transformed. Please give us discernment in this area and help us to have an open mind to anything You would like to share with us today. Thank You. In Jesus’ Holy Name we pray, Amen.

Photo by Fernando Arcos on Pexels.com

© 2021 Bridget A. Thomas

18 Comments on “Tune Your Heart

  1. I love when this happens. I’ve had it happen with several verses where a particular verse will show up maybe in my Bible reading, then in a devotion, and then maybe in a church service all within days of each other. So awesome—it seriously warms my heart so much. ❤️
    The idea of tuning your heart daily is so important. Great post Bridget!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love when that happens too! It is such an awesome feeling to know that God cares for us so much, and He wanted to make sure we got a particular message that He had for us! It’s amazing to know that the King of kings sees us and loves us! As the song Who You Say I Am goes, “Who am I that the highest King would welcome me?”
      And I agree with tuning our hearts. And as we stay in constant connection with The Lord, He will help keep our hearts in tune!
      Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts, Alicia! Have a blessed day! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  2. As I was reading the different reasons and ways God nudges us, I was going Yes! He does indeed grab our attention that way and point things out to us. I am always so thankful when things like that happen because it prevents us from going off track and draws us closer to Him when we heed to His nudges.
    Tuning our hearts to God – I was reminded of something I heard, it was regarding starting your day with God. When we are to play an instrument we tune it first and then perform with it. Similarly we need to tune our hearts to God so what comes out sounds right, pleasant and is not just noise ( being fruitful for God, praising Him, playing the chords right- following God’s direction and nudges)
    May we tune our hearts to Him 🙏🏽
    Blessings my dear friend 🤗🌺

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    • I agree! I am so thankful that God is so fully devoted to us, that He takes the time to pull us to Himself and ensure we stay on the right path. It is hard to comprehend the extent of His love. But when these things happen, it really hits home.
      Wow! I love what you said about tuning the instrument first before we play. I hadn’t thought of it from that perspective. But that is a perfect picture of how we too need to tune our hearts to God first thing each morning. Thank you for sharing that! I want to hang onto that each morning and always stay in tune with the Lord!
      Blessings to you too, my friend! I hope you have a blessed evening and rest of the week! 💕

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  3. Great post! I like the idea of tuning your heart, it puts it in such a different context when thinking of tuning instruments. Once we tune our hearts correctly, the mind is sure to follow. Wise words. Thank you for sharing your experience with this!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree! Thinking about tuning our hearts in comparison to tuning an instrument, it brings a sense of a beautiful melody that our hearts have the potential to play. 🎶 And such a good point about the mind being sure to follow. What a promising thought! Thank you for reading and sharing your insight! I hope your day and week are blessed! 🙌

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  4. I love when God sends the same message from different sources but clearly supporting each other and His word. It’s like being sent affirmations from God: “I meant it. I really meant it, and here’s another way to look at it.” It’s like being shown the many facets of a diamond; the beauty is in the way the light is reflected by multiple surfaces.

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  5. It is a blessing how God confirms things when He is trying to get our attention. Three times in 12 hours, you can be certain He was trying to get your attention! And it’s the same for us all, we need to tune our hearts to His voice. And get rid of any distractions that are keeping us from hearing. Thanks Bridget! 🤗

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    • How amazing that an Almighty God cares for us so much, that He will come knocking on our doors over and over, to make sure we hear Him! And yes I agree – eliminating distractions to make space for God’s voice is so important! This is so hard, these days especially, with so many things coming at us. But it is possible, and the rewards are worth it! Thank you for stopping by, Dawn! 💕🌸

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