Luke 23

Read Luke 23 in your Bible. Or you can also read it here.

There are a couple of things in this chapter that reveal how magnificent God’s grace is. What Jesus did on the cross means we have access to the unmerited favor of God. Although we deserve the worst, we can have the best, if we accept Jesus. The grace of God is the most amazing and precious gift we will ever receive. And in this chapter there are a couple of incidents that show us how big His grace is.

One example is in verse 34 where Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

Jesus’ mercy is so great. These men had no idea that they were crucifying the Messiah. And we too have done things that we don’t realize how awful they are in the moment. Especially before we gave our lives to the Lord, when we didn’t have the Holy Spirit living inside of us. Now the Holy Spirit helps us to discern right from wrong. But that wasn’t the case before we were saved. We might have followed along and done worldly things, thinking it was okay because that is what everyone else was doing. But now that we have fully committed our lives to Jesus, we can see more clearly the difference between right and wrong. And Jesus willingly erases all of our mistakes in one instant.

And the second example is seen in verses 39-43. There are two criminals being crucified, and they hung on each side of Jesus. One mocks Jesus, but the other says, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

This man was a thief and didn’t deserve grace. But we don’t deserve grace either. Yet all we need to do is ask for forgiveness, and that’s it. Jesus paid our debt in full. We owe nothing else. And we instantly become a child of God and an heir to the Kingdom.

This gift of Grace is truly … The… Best… News… Ever!

It doesn’t get any better than this. This is bigger than anything we can imagine. We should live each day on cloud nine, knowing that our sins were forgiven and our slate was wiped clean.

Today take some time to thank the Lord for what Jesus did on the cross and for the unparalleled gift of grace.

Dear Lord, words cannot express how glorious Your gift of Grace is. I deserve nothing. I deserve the worst. Yet thanks to Jesus, I have so much. I have eternity in Heaven to look forward to. My sins have been erased. I have been adopted into Your family. This is the best news ever. The magnitude of it is overwhelming. In one instant You turned me into Your beloved child. I thank you for this priceless gift. In Jesus’ holy name, Amen.

If you are also participating in the Gratitude Challenge, today is day 94 of 100. We are so close!

Image by Kelly Sikkema on

© 2021 Bridget A. Thomas

5 Comments on “Luke 23

  1. Truly what an amazing gift we receive. We don’t deserve it but we still can have it and like you said it is the best news ever. May we never lose the awe of what we have gained.
    Blessings to you my friend 🤗🌺

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    • You said it so well. “May we never lose the awe of what we have gained.” I pray that we don’t forget that. Maybe if we start each day with a “thank you” for our salvation, that would help keep it in the forefront of our minds. Blessings to you too, dear friend! ♥️🤗

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  2. I am thankful for the conviction the Holy Spirit gives me to help me stay on track. I look back at the foolish and sinful things I did in the past and I am thankful for God’s forgiveness and that He kept me during those days.

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