Moving Towards God

Admin Note: I am moving my posts from Tuesdays to Thursdays. I post every other Thursday on the Christians Read blog, so this will help keep things a little more organized on my end. Also, due to some extra projects on my plate, in the coming months I might start posting here on the opposite Thursdays from when I post on Christians Read. Thank you for understanding. I am trying to allow God to lead this journey, because it is all about Him and not about me…. I also want to take a moment to thank you for being here. I truly appreciate it. I know there are a million other things you can be doing with your time. So it means more than you know, that you take the time to read my posts! Now onto the main topic of this post…

In my last post prior to Lent, I talked about Fasting, as I was planning on fasting from certain things during Lent. Today I want to share a bit about what I learned over the past couple of months.

Constantly “doing” is an addiction. In our culture, we all wear “busy” like a badge of honor. We make comments about being “too busy” with pride. We feel that we are proving our worth when we are constantly busy. And I honestly believe that our devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) make us even more addicted to always doing something. When we get an alert on our phone, it gives us a dopamine boost. Therefore, in our culture, it can be extra difficult for us to learn to slow down and be present in our lives.

We have to retrain ourselves to be bored. Devices have cluttered our minds so much that we are never bored anymore. Being bored is actually a good thing, especially when it comes to creativity. When our minds have space, we have the ability to create and dream and flourish.

Quiet time is soothing for the soul. Once we get past the struggle with boredom, if we can truly embrace some quiet time in our day, it will soothe the soul. A lot of “noise” (whether literal or figurative) has a way of cranking us up like a wind-up toy. Too much of this can really fray a person’s nerves. When we intentionally add quiet time into our day, we will find a new sense of peace.

God refreshes us if we allow Him to. In our quiet time, it is also helpful to ask God to join you there. If you sit quietly in the Lord’s presence, He will help refresh your soul. Different versions of Psalm 23:3 verify this. “He restores my soul” (NKJV). “He refreshes my soul” (NIV). “He renews my strength” (NLT). What comforting words!

It is not about perfection. Any kind of fasting, whether during Lent or otherwise, is not about perfection. This is important to remember because if we strive too hard, we can fall into a trap of thinking that our works make us worthy and even assure our salvation. In Romans 8:1 it says, “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.” And the enemy might really try to wrap a chain around us in this area. The enemy will tell us if we don’t do it perfectly, then we are not worthy, and God is disappointed in us. Please don’t listen to his lies.

It is about drawing closer to God. Whether we are fasting or not, whether it is Lent or not, every day, the bottom line is that we want to draw closer to God. We can make decisions to do that daily, based on our own unique paths. This has the potential to look different for each of us. Prayerfully seeking God’s guidance is key.

It doesn’t always have to be about removing things. Sometimes adding things can help us grow too. One of the things that I added to my routine was a Lenten devotional Uncovering the Love of Jesus by Asheritah Ciuciu. This was a truly rich devotional that helped me to savor the Savior in a fresh way. However, adding things isn’t necessarily key either. It is about being intentional with our time and leaning into Jesus.

Follow God’s lead in finding a balance. As with most things in life, we need to find a balance. One of the things that I have been trying to do each morning is to squeeze in some exercise. However, as I write this, I am staying up past my bedtime to watch a baseball game on TV with my hubby. The result could be that I might get up later than I want to in the morning. But that’s okay. I am learning to balance things that honor God, while still loving others, and also paying attention to my own mind, body, and soul. As I mentioned above, I am trying to follow God’s lead. And that is important with every decision we make.

The past few weeks have taught me a lot, as I have been intentional about abiding in Jesus. It doesn’t have to be a special time of year to draw close to God. He is always there, waiting for us. We are always moving in one direction or another – towards God or away from God. Let us choose to move towards Him.

© 2022 Bridget A. Thomas

23 Comments on “Moving Towards God

  1. I was agreeing with each and every point Bridget. Constantly being busy is definitely something that is said as something to be proud of. Your point of getting used to be bored and that allows space to think, speak to God and be creative. Finding balance and it is not about perfection- all of these points really spoke to me.
    Enjoyed this and you are finding balance in posting when you can.
    Blessings my friend 🤗💙

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    • I think that keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus is key in finding our way and taking each step. Our Shepherd will lovingly guide us. And the rewards are so sweet. Thank you so much, my friend! Blessings to you too! 🤗💕

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  2. These are all amazing points! In today’s world we’re taught that you’re nothing if you’re not constantly busy. Even if we’re not physically doing anything we’re still busy, either on our phones or our minds are racing to make tomorrow’s to-do list. But being busy and surrounded by all the “loudness” causes us to miss hearing God’s whispers. I really need to take time to be still more often. Thanks for the reminder!

    Hope you’re doing well! You’re always in my thoughts and prayers!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are absolutely right. I appreciate your point about our minds racing, because I am the same way. I really love what you said about missing God’s whispers. Years ago when my husband and I were vacationing in the mountains of Tennessee, I remember a sign hanging in our cabin that said, “Let us be silent, so that we may hear the voice of God.” I loved that reminder. And it is even more relevant today. I am with you, as I need to be better about being still too. I pray the Lord helps us learn to sit and soak up His presence…
      I am doing well. Thank you for asking. And thank you for your thoughts and prayers! I hope you are doing well too. And you are in my prayers too, my friend! 💜

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  3. Thanks Bridget for sharing these things you’ve learned. These are very helpful points. We must take time to do less and listen more to what God is speaking to our hearts. Quiet time with Him does soothe our souls. Hope your week has been good. ❤️🤗

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    • So true! I find that when we work towards a balance, the enemy sneaks in and tries to get us off track. So we have to learn to stay the course. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

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  4. I’m not proud of being busy, but I can’t seem to make it stop. Always seeking balance, looking forward to my school year winding down. So ready to be bored and for God’s restoration.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know what you mean! It is so difficult to make it stop! 😩 Even after 6 weeks of Lent, I am still trying to learn how to slow down. But at least if we take baby steps, then we know we are moving in the right direction. I hope you have a restful summer to look forward to! 🤗

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  5. So good Bridget!! I heard or read somewhere that this day in age people “could” have the most free time ever because well-over 90% of inventions have already happened YET we’re busier than any other generations before us because we choose this for ourselves. Such a sad truth and also so obvious.
    Thank you for an insightful post, makes me want to be sure I’m filling my time with things the glorify Him. Love the verse from James 4:8, been a while since I was reminded of that one!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow! That is shocking and very depressing. I pray that we can learn to lay down our distractions and find that free time that is waiting for us. And as you said, fill our time with things that glorify God! Such a good point. Because it’s all about Him and not about us! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, friend! 💜
      And by the way, Jennifer Dukes Lee has a book and a Bible study called Growing Slow. I’ve been wanting to read them, but haven’t had a chance yet. So I am going to try to do so soon. I know you like to read too, so I thought I would mention them! 📚

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  6. Thank you for this post, Bridget! Busyness is an addiction and it sucks the life (and soul) out of us. I appreciate your insight. We truly cannot be looking (or moving) to God is we constantly have one eye focused on distractions. You’ve given me more to ponder and pray about. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree. It’s a little ironic really. We think because we are busy, that means our lives are full. But slowly the addiction of busyness does keep us from savoring life. I like the way you put that – “We truly cannot be looking (or moving) to God if we constantly have one eye focused on distractions.” So true! I pray we can learn to lay aside the things that distract us and lean into the presence of God. Thanks so much for reading and sharing your thoughts. 😊

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  7. Pingback: From Restlessness to Fulfillment – Bridget A. Thomas

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