Surrounded by God’s Love

One of my dogs, Tucker, has separation anxiety. He thinks he should always be with his Mom and Dad. When we leave him home, he might bark, whine, howl, sulk, or all of the above. He seems to have a fear that we are abandoning him. Perhaps he wonders if we will ever come back home.

I talk to my dogs like they are people, meaning I try to explain things to them. They don’t always understand. But they do feel my tone of voice. And they are smart enough to remember what certain words mean.

Sometimes I will try to explain to Tucker that we love him, we will never abandon him, and we will always come back. I was thinking recently that if Tucker just understood how much his parents loved him, then he wouldn’t be so quick to freak out.

I’m sure you can figure out where I am going with this. Yes, this made me think about us and God. If only we knew how much He loved us, we wouldn’t freak out when we are hit with a situation that brings us fear, grief, or worry.

God loves us so much. He is trustworthy. He has our backs. Even when something takes us by surprise, it is no surprise to Him. He allowed the situation to come our way. And He will use it for a purpose.

I know just saying these things is easy. But what’s difficult is getting that into our hearts. So how do we get to the point of knowing deep down that our Shepherd loves us beyond measure and that He is watching out for us?

Spending time with Him is a good start. Making a choice each day to pray helps us to draw closer to Him. Reading the Bible also helps because not only do we learn about God’s character, but we are also bombarded with truth. Reading in the Psalms has helped me to get a better awareness of God’s love. And several verses that I read recently struck a chord. I want to share a few with you. One of them is not from the Psalms. But it might be familiar to you.

“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:38-39 KJV

“He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the LORD.” – Psalm 33:5 ESV

“Many are the woes of the wicked, but the LORD’s unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in him.” – Psalm 32:10 NIV

Aren’t the words in these verses comforting? Nothing can separate us from God’s love. The earth is full of the love of the Lord. And the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in Him. Reading the last verse, in my mind I can see God’s love surrounding me like a blanket. A few days ago I was worried about something, and I kept repeating the words from the latter part of that verse. This reminder brought peace and comfort.

I hope these verses bring you peace and comfort as well. And I hope they remind you how much God loves you. May we remember that if God sent His One and Only Son for us, then surely He loves us enough to go to the ends of the earth for us, to provide for us, to protect us, and to see us through whatever we are facing.

Thank you for reading! I hope you have a blessed weekend!

© 2018-2023 Bridget A. Thomas

29 Comments on “Surrounded by God’s Love

  1. Amen. We serve and follow a God who loves us, who sees us, and who values us more immensely than we could ever imagine. I love this post, Bridget. Pets to Tucker. May he realize how much y’all love him. Abundant blessings.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Aww if only Tucker knew what you were saying. We can be just like that. I am having a week where I am fretting and feeling stressed, your words reminded me to focus on God’s love that surrounds me(love that verse).
    Amen 🙏🏽.
    Thank you my friend for this timely post 💙💐

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Yes! God has our backs. And, even if our hearts’ condemn us, he is greater than our hearts.

    I had an interview, for a job promotion (assistant principal) a week ago, and am still waiting to hear the result.

    Waiting is no fun, but waiting on God is worth it.

    I enjoyed your post, Bridget. Blessings, and God’s best to you.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I understand. Waiting makes us fret. I will be praying that it all works out! You would be wonderful assistant principal! But yes, God is right there beside us. In the ups and downs. And in the waiting. He is working all things together for good and for a purpose. Blessings and God’s best to you too! 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

    • I hope you hear back soon David. My cousin is in her first year as an assistant principal, after teaching for many years. She says it’s challenging but she knows God has a purpose for her being in this new role. Kudos to you for being willing to take on the challenge!

      Liked by 3 people

    • God is so good! I’m happy to hear He showed up for you this morning! I am convinced He is doing so much for us that we sometimes miss. Or at least I feel I miss a lot of His blessings, merely because I’m not looking around. Thanks so much for sharing that. Have a blessed weekend, big brother. 😁

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  4. Pingback: Jesusluvsall's Blog

  5. That’s a beautiful picture! We are truly surrounded by God’s love each day. He is always willing to reveal Himself to us when we seek Him. As you mentioned, God will never abandon us, and reading His word is an amazing way to draw closer to Him. I love those times when I read a familiar verse but God reveals it to me in a new way, another sign of how much He loves us. Thanks for the encouragement, Bridget. Enjoy your weekend 💕☀️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes! God is so good! He is always there, and always pouring His love over us. I pray we all can become more aware of His love surrounding us. Thank you so much for reading, Dawn. I hope you have a lovely weekend also. 💜

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Nothing can separate us from God’s love. Great post. God’s love is the firm foundation we need to walk the journey here on this earth. the closest I get to heaven the firmer my foundation gets too. Good post

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Betty. I’m so thankful for the Love of our Amazing Lord. And you said that so beautifully- “God’s love is the firm foundation we need to walk the journey here on this earth.” So very true ♥️


  7. Great reminder in Psalm 32:10!
    My daughter’s dog is the exact same way, love how you pulled an analogy of our own similarities to this behavior. We are blessed more than we recognize because we have a God who wants us to reside in peace and trust.
    Good post my friend.❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    • Aw. Sending love to your daughter’s dog. They don’t always understand things, and it adds to their fear. As I write this, my 70 lb baby is laying in my lap. 😂 But as we comfort our pets, God is there to comfort us. You said that so perfectly- “We are blessed more than we recognize because we have a God who wants us to reside in peace and trust.” Yes and Amen! Thank you, friend. I hope you have a blessed rest of the week! 🤍

      Liked by 1 person

      • 70 pounds!!?? Wow!!
        I hope your week has been blessed too…the weekend is right around the corner and our schools let out for summer today. I’m looking forward to relaxing after another wild 😜 year of subbing.
        Your profile pic is beautiful btw!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • That’s wonderful! I’m so glad you are off for the summer. I pray it is a restful couple of months. Thank you for the compliment. I recently changed my picture because the prior one was over 7 years old, and taken before I started wearing glasses. ☺️

        Liked by 1 person

  8. This post really ministered the love of God to my heart, thank you, Bridget! It went in deep. (And so often, God has spoken to me through things my pets do too! I love that.)

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