Luke 12

Read Luke 12 in your Bible. Or you can also read it here. We are already halfway through the book of Luke!

“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” – Luke 12:6-7

Have you ever felt like God has forgotten you? Sometimes life is just plain hard and we assume God is nowhere to be found. But the truth is that, as children of the Most High God, we are never forgotten. And when we have thoughts that tell us we are forgotten, we have to remind ourselves that the enemy is the one who wants us to think that way.

The verse above is such a heartwarming one, especially when we are facing something difficult. If God sees each and every sparrow, how much more does He see us? If God knows how many hairs are on our heads, then how could He possibly overlook us? Even when we are on a city street, surrounded by millions of other people, His eyes never lose sight of us.

In his book, The Devotions, Tauren Wells puts it this way, “I love what my father-in-law, Rev. Ron Macey, once said in a message he was preaching. He mentioned that Luke 12 tells us that God has numbered the hairs on our heads. He pointed out that not only does God know the sum of the hairs on your head but that He’s also gone so far as to have a number for each one! He knows that hair #674, #223, and #62 came out in your comb this morning. He knows that #112, #332, #27, #96, and #705 are a little grayer than they used to be. I had never really thought about it, and at first it struck me as humorous. Then I felt the full weight and reality of the implied truth of that verse. God sees, investigates, and keeps track of every… single… detail… about His children. Not a freckle, scar, hurt, moment, or detail about our lives is overlooked. Considering this profound truth, my heart echoes David’s, realizing that the eyes of the Master are upon him, asking, ‘Who am I that you are mindful of me?’ Amazing. Can you wrap your heart around that?”

Keep this awesome truth in mind today. And remember that Jesus Himself said that you are worth more than the sparrows. Don’t let discouragement bring you down. Remind yourself that God is there, He sees you and He hears you. When you reach out to Him, He will always be there.

If you are also participating in the Gratitude Challenge, today is day 83 of 100. I hope you have seen the results of practicing gratitude in your life!

Photo by daniyal ghanavati on

© 2021 Bridget A. Thomas

6 Comments on “Luke 12

  1. Amen!
    This chapter puts so much of our relationship with God in prospective of our future home in Heaven. God knows all! He know the hairs on our head, what we eat, what we wear, what we say & think. This chapter made me take an inward look at myself and see where I’ve sinned and need God’s forgiveness.

    After my Mom and sister Susie passed, I went through a very dark period of life. I didn’t feel God’s presence, His comfort or His life; however, I know God was always there. Waiting for me to turn from grief back to His light. I’m thankful, grateful and blessed that I did finally see His light, repent and receive His grace.

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    • I agree with what you said about this chapter helping us to take an inward look at ourselves. Something I want to remember to pray every day is, “Create in me a clean heart, O God” (from Psalm 51:10). 🙏
      And I am sorry that you went through that dark period. I do understand, though. The enemy is very good at getting in our heads. But how beautiful it is to know that the Lord was there all along, never giving up. 🙌


  2. The reassurance of God knowing every trivial detail is absolutely wonderful. Reading that about hair being numbered and what exactly happens to it, really puts into perspective the depth to which he would know what is going on in our hearts and minds, our thoughts, emotions, hurts and fear or anxieties. He sees them all. He just wants us to talk to Him about it.
    P.s As I had mentioned about no wifi, I am out of the city at the moment where there is no wifi. But drove to a nearby store where I got a signal so I quickly checked email and looked for your post. I am enjoying going through this and am trying not to miss a day if I can.

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    • I agree! Reflecting on this gives me comfort. I have at times wondered if God cared or wanted to hear about the little things in our lives. But this tells me that yes He absolutely does! He wants to be let of every detail. What a loving Father we have! 🙌♥️
      Manu, I am so glad to know that you are enjoying this Luke study. And I am honored that you went out of your way to check the post. I have been praying that God helps draw us all closer to Himself during this! And I believe He is doing just that!! He is amazing!! 🙏♥️

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    • So true! It reminds me of the song “Run to the Father” by Matt Maher. There are a couple of lines that say, “…And I don’t have a context, For that kind of love, I don’t understand, I can’t comprehend…” and I have to agree! It can be so difficult to fathom our Father’s immeasurable love. 🙌♥️🙏

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